NRG Community Grant Program
Program Description:
The Grant Program goal would be to build relationships and capacity in the community that enhance the quality of life, neighbour interaction, pride in the community and in turn resident property values. The program would be available for current members, in good standing and community partners to apply for funds up to $1000 to support projects that demonstrate unique, innovative or motivating ideas that meet the goals and objectives of NRG. Project applications and proposals may be submitted any time, but only those that fulfill the Eligibility Criteria will be considered. Selection of awarded proposals will be at the sole discretion of the NRG Executive. There is no guarantee or promise that a submitted proposal will be selected even where meeting Eligibility Criteria.
Grant Designations:
- Association Projects: The Association may use funds from the Program for Capital Projects or other projects that are suitable to the intent of the Program or consistent with Association goals & objectives, without application other than by an approved motion at an Executive Meeting.
- Candy Cane Lane Holiday Light Festival Beneficiaries: Charities or Non-Profit Groups designated by the Executive prior to each CCLHLF Campaign as beneficiaries of the event would receive approved percentage or fixed amounts determined prior to or after the event where conditions are negotiated.
- Groups requesting consideration as directed beneficiaries of the Festival, must apply in writing.
- Applicant Groups or Organizations must demonstrate in writing the benefit to Residents in the community of Normanview and or in the City of Regina.
- Eligibility criteria & requirements may be required in whole or part, depending on the reputed historical performance of the applicant as determined by the Executive of the Association.
- These amounts may exceed the $1000.00 Grant Benefit Limit for Community Project applications.
- Beneficiary organizations may be required to contribute meaningfully to the Festival by way of promotion and volunteer commitment. Delivery of agreed upon contributions by the beneficiaries may affect positively or negatively upon the grant amount paid out.
- Beneficiary Groups for a specified Capital Project to receive half by cheque and half retained in trust, as per Eligibility requirement #10
- Community Projects:
Ideas, big or small, should inspire Normanview Residents to get to know their neighbours and become involved in the community. Proposals must demonstrate how they would create or enhance an inviting, vibrant, safe and healthy community where residents are proud of their environment.Proposals may be for but not limited to:
- Capital projects
- Seasonal Environmental Enhancement Projects
- Community Events
- Programs to encourage Neighbourhood cohesiveness
Eligibility Criteria:
1. Applicants must be residents of the Normanview community and members in good standing. This may also include Community Partners or Registered Non-Profit Associations that operate their activities mostly within the neighbourhood or mostly to the benefit of Normanview Residents.
2. Applicants may be an individual or number of individual residents that must be working with a group to complete their project. The application must include information who is helping them to accomplish their goals as well as project leader and key role participants.
3. Projects must take place withing the boundaries of the Normanview Community.
4. Funding cannot be used to pay down a deficit or for costs other than directly associated with the proposal and within the specified time for completion.
5. Funds may not be applicable for any personal gain to the applicant or to pay for wages, honorariums or personal service fees, other than by approved contracted businesses hired to perform services to complete the project. Such businesses providing service may not be of familiar relations, hire or pay wages to the applicant or the applicant family members and may not in any way provide material or financial gain to the applicant directly or indirectly. Any Fraudulent Misrepresentation or Omission of relation of such businesses to the applicant or any personal gain to the applicant will be severely prosecuted.
6. All applications must have a proposed budget supported by affirmed cost estimates in writing. NRG will not pay for Costs other than that approved. It may consider covering additional overrun costs incurred within the Grant Benefit Limit of $1000, upon full & transparent project financial disclosure.
7. Applications must indicate the number of anticipated volunteers and total anticipated volunteer hours.
8. Copy of current ISC Profile Report is required for all Non-Profit Groups as well as Annual Report (AGM Minutes and Financial Statement) & most recent Financial Statement. Non registered Groups are required for most recent Meeting Minutes & signed Financial Statement by Chairperson and Treasurer.
9. Payment for approved proposal costs will be given upon substantial completion of project, along with full & transparent project financial disclosure. Up front start-up funds may only be given upon receipt of same amount in the form of a certified cheque (to be held by NRG until substantial completion and returned at that time).
10. Requests for Long Term Fundraising Proposals of Capital Projects may only be awarded as approved funds held in Trust by NRG. Trust Funds secured in a separate Low Risk Money Fund or Savings Account are to be solely managed by NRG. Funds, including accrued gains or interest to be paid out upon initiation of project as demonstrated by substantial financial investment (specified by NRG at time of award) by applicant from own financial sources.
11. All applicants or groups working with volunteers (adults or children) must submit a Criminal Record Check from the Regina Police Service for all named applicants and those fulfilling key roles in the completion of the project.
12. Application forms received by the applicant directly from the Association or downloaded from the website must be received in actual paper form with associated required documents even if submitted electronically with same.